Friday, May 11, 2012

John Bailes Dharma Talk Monmouth Zen Circle, Compassion Ocean Sangha Saturday May 5, 2012

This is a portion of a dharma talk I gave at Monmouth Zen Circle, Compassion Ocean Sangha Saturday May 5, 2012. It covers the first section of Dogen's, Bodhisattva's Four Methods of Guidance: Giving. We're new to recording here and the last portion of the talk and the discussion are missing because I am mostly technologically inept.. It was recorded directly on to my "telephone".

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I hear the lyric voice of this gruesome beauty in your free verse. which is why I love it so.

John High 
2:57 PM (7 hours ago)
to John

Taking off a tattered dress worn by the dead & dancing in mud
the girl glanced over the snows of an empty
field— the horse stood by the edge of a cliff
& the voices circling about their wandering
all of this time she had thought that she
& the boy were following them, that there was
some purpose & destiny in their pilgrimage, & now
she sensed in the night that we were
following her here in night, she & the boy trailed by
monks and ghosts & birds & trees & all of
the others, and in that moment in a perfect silent
pitch—we are here.

John Bailes 
10:53 PM (0 minutes ago)
to John

Destined to be here,
eyes open

There's something about 
an American poet 
who loves Russians 
and is a Buddhist.

There are all these boys and girls 
blind and dumb 
running around on the steppes, 
down to creeks 
all that land and sky 
so alive from before time 
and even during; 
butterflies and bugs, 
mosquito swarms, 
clouds, horses, swords and slaughter: 
some kind of 

Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gogol, the Czar; 
Akhmatova, Mandelstam and Mayakovsky; 
Stalin, pogroms, and Pushkin; 
Finn's starving north of Leningrad, 
St. Petersburg;
 Solzhenitsyn's archipelagos: 
Not one ever returns 
as in the river, 

Who is paddling now?

I hear the lyric voice 
of this gruesome beauty 
in your free verse 
which is why 
I love it 

Did I send this one to you already?

Almost the end of April