Sunday, December 25, 2011

Reflections: One Night in January, 2011

Reflections: One Night in January, 2011

The stories we tell one another 
with equations and statistics, 
sentences and sounds, 
ringing and pealing
true or hollow;
even the truth of hollow.

(O Shirakawa, the Kamo River is a god
Its water magically turning red and green.)
PW's White River Ode circa 1966.

Something BIG &

Stylistically revealing
The finger tips on
The IPhone,
the ear phone

PW says: “I think ‘form’ is for crystals or for the thing after it has been seen. OK, form it or arrange it to suit your vision, if that’s how you want to spend your afternoons; the things ALREADY have a shape, Ginsberg is absolutely right, MIND IS SHAPELY, ART IS SHAPELY.”

one rock
to morsel.

See Book of Serenity, Case 90.

he got bigger over time, and bigger.
It was good to walk behind him or alongside,
the swath so wide,
the underbrush, the thicket, brambles and thorns
no longer seeming of

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