Saturday, March 10, 2012


Reprise. No Prize
I’m in a store that’s everywhere
food on the shelves, bread; but
who does this part of experience

That you allow me to eat
That you think you allow me to think:
have implanted thoughts in my head:
that if you don’t extinguish me you will
substitute for my savings –
            my own love –
your images. Technologies with youth blonde

cruel. I have to learn you, waiting to see
within me whatever you’ve placed:
lies made material visions not mine.
As you have declared my emotion: that which
your poems incarnate—my supposed emptiness
of intellect to be possessed by your commodious

greed: is there enough territory within me, for you?
                        enough room for a torturer.

Alice Notley: Songs and Stories of the Ghouls, p. 25

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