Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Written after speaking with the mother of a marine...

Complicity and Betrayal

Itinerant worshipped fallen standard repugnant fissure leveling water thimbles broadly open tulips fly rampant furnace liniment littoral rosetta firmly fistulating glimmer.

Remorse or sadness: truth romance and deep love found in states of aggression where we are no longer fighting for some other ideal than one another. Really there is no other than this meeting in which we give up all for and it is what we all want need but that many get it through goading others into the act for no other reason than to see something they never can enact themselves.

What a sorry statement it is to know that people feel the only way to fulfill this yearning and enter knowing is through war.

What perversion it is that we put ourselves in this predicament to find too late we stand only for one another and no ideal and certainly not what we were sold on to get us into this predicament whereby we forsake all else save the situation in which we find ourselves. The forsaken meet the forsaken in the open spurred by a predicament of others’ making and if lucky realizing too late this is all which just might allow a total consumption with nothing left.

Only a few are so lucky.

John Bailes, Kotatsu Roko
Tuesday 17 April 2012
Prospect Hill

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