Sunday, June 3, 2012

For Ashley...

For Ashley Almost a Month After Her Birthday

Residual thoughts of you fleeting
glancing, jumping, slipping through,
gone; dancing, floating, glistening
some pleasure of being

On a good day luminous:
buoyant trombones, pirouettes,
flamboyant hammers, video equipment;
trousers’ ass resting against kitchen cabinets;
some kind of music

This though is what is happening now.

Rampant roses nervous proliferate
Nascent dreams resolute rise foremost
Mountains remain intent ferocious
Freedom rides elephants forward
Without anticipation, knowing
What she is this fragrance opens
Minds of all beings leaving                              
No walls.

John Bailes/Kotatsu Roko
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Prospect Hill

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