Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Shout and Dance

                                                               Robyn Ellenbogen’s painting Shout and Dance

Shout and Dance

All beings walking

Within light
Light that is darkness
The black of black


Aching, being, bliss

Beyond within




John Bailes
First response to Robyn Ellenbogen’s painting Shout and Dance

A Shape of Longing

 Robyn Ellenbogen’s drawing A Shape of Longing

A Shape of Longing

What we want to see is no longer, cannot be.

I grasp the woods, like in thicket.
I see people, like in dream.
Time, distance, shape, perspective: gone.

There is no more.

I stand open in this vision.
Everything so close, enbrambled:
Chaos and line;
Density beyond sight.

Releasing the hand of apprehension:
Perspective once held so dear,
Thus so tight.


Not willing or seeming capable to allow;
All things appeared as they should be
Or they were not.

And now I stand here trusting
A release I never asked for
Thrust into the density of this open.

I crawl and I cry.

Letting, I know seeing may not come.

But this longing for the intimacy of
To make, to hold, to touch,
Will never go.

As we float together and apart, always and never
In this world peopled by our

What part of me are you?

John Bailes
Somerville MA
First response to Robyn Ellenbogen’s drawing A Shape of Longing.