Enormous Brilliant Being:
The remarkable, to me at least, experience of totally letting go into whatever I am.
I mean letting go.
Just as Trungpa Rinpoche’s response to, “What do you do when you get depressed?” was, “I get more depressed.”
What is this one thing? This one thing that is always right here.
It is like there is no difference but there is some difference and that difference means very little if anything at all.
It could mean what we call life or death.
But gentleness seems really at the heart of it all: gentleness that is itself itself, and only this or that, which is authenticity.
Bateson might call this unitary mind.
That he began to articulate this manas vijnana (overarching, unitary relationship of being) in the vernacular, cutting the ties that bind into the patterns that connect, releasing life into life: Nansen’s cat.
Enormous Brilliant Being:
I do not look out at you.
You are me looking,
If even that;
Kotatsu Roko
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Prospect Hill, Somerville MA