Thursday, March 10, 2011

There Is Nothing in the World


There Is Nothing in the World

Few understand
How vital
This relationship

Many would prefer
To do something else
When there is nothing else
To do

Entering the sound
Of one word
The steam radiator
In winter.

Blue Cliff Record Case #37: P’an Shan’s, There is Nothing in the World:

“There is nothing in the triple world; where can mind be found?
The elements are basically empty; how can a Buddha abide?
The polar star does not move; quiet and still, without traces
Once presented face to face, there is no longer anything else.”

John Bailes/Kotatsu Roko
11 February, 2011
Prospect Hill

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Riding the Red Eye

Riding the Red Eye

I have no space in broken trees grown awry.
Chaotic aura, determines, resplendent; bird, blossom, branch.
Limited requirements kiss hours goodbye.
Later, streams wear rocks down.
Whole starfish crush them to dust particles, river bed sludge.
Quiescent storms single out more shoulders, knees, ice cream.
Sofas resemble old wilderness rides of plumed white condor flights.
Still the blind girl, or was it a boy, remains enigmatic.
The grass, the wind, the joining: mother of…
Born right here both are GONE.

John Bailes, Kotatsu Roko
Middle of the Night, 1 March 2011