Sunday, September 25, 2011

Flying west to east in the middle of the night I think of John High

Flying west to east in the middle of the night I think of John High

You once wrote, and it is still written and in print too:

“why did you never ask me (if I love you)”.

I say, if I love you, will you ask me, or do you ask you, or do I ask me?

How particular is this asking? 
Is it always or never?

Basking whales roll in the sea slipping through, occasionally eyeballing humans lucky enough to see being seen. 

Most of us do not know our own seeing and especially being seen.

(Maybe there are vague inklings.)

John Berger wrote an entire book, maybe two, “On Looking” and “On Seeing.”

Does one have to look to see?
Does seeing occur only when there are no eyes?
Even when we think we have eyes, no eyes are seeing. 

Always say I love you even if I never ask.

Is grace light standing?
Grace is light,

I make up everything I say, even me, with a lot of help from my friends, the kindness of strangers, the albino deer, the one-eyed boy, the lake and the mere grain of sand I am.

With love,

John Bailes/Kotatsu Roko
35,000 Feet
Tuesday 20 September 2011, early morning.

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